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برامج تمبوس بالتعاون مع المديرية العامة للتعليم العالي

Tempus projects in partnership with the DGHE


Tempus BUCUM: Building Capacity for University Management ‘University Management and Student Services’ (2013-2015)

بناء القدرات في إدارة الجامعات في دول جنوب المتوسط

This project, which is a follow on from the Leadership in Higher Education Management TEMPUS Project, aims to mutually harmonizes Higher Education systems across Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and Libya; develop good management practices; build sustainable HE cooperation between nations and address the challenges of a global university in the 21st Century


TEMPUS EU-MILL: Euro-Mediterranean Integration Through Lifelong Learning

Specific objectives:

·         To contribute to the design, evaluation, organization, implementation and promotion of a LLL curricula in the private and public domains.

·         To promote and develop partnerships with enterprises.

·         To adequately train the staff that is responsible for LLL centers in the participating HEIs based on the best experiences.

·         To design a qualifications framework according to the LLL model and the European Qualifications Framework.

·         To define and design a common LLL system of quality assurance.

·         To disseminate the results, and to transfer knowledge towards professionals and policy makers.

Duration: 36 months (15/10/2012-14/10/2015)


Tempus IDEAL: “Innovation and Development of Academic-Industry Partnerships through Efficient Research Administration in Lebanon”

The project (IDEAL) was officially launched at American University of Beirut in December 2012 and it will finish in October 2015.
The main goal of the project is to increase capacity and capability for research, development and innovation at Lebanese institutions of higher education. IDEAL aims to develop systems capable of supporting and promoting relevant research at Lebanese universities, create networks to transfer innovation from academia to industry and establish partnerships, and establish professional structures between government academia, and industry for the long-term management of research for Lebanon.

The project is comprised of a consortium of 15 partners from Lebanon and Europe. The participating Lebanese institutions represent over two-thirds of the Lebanese landscape of higher education. The target beneficiaries of this project are Lebanese researchers, students, non-profit organizations, and society at-large who will benefit from improved systems for research, development and innovation (RD&I) designed to grow Lebanon’s economic strength and global competitiveness.


Tempus Project DEFI Averroès:

Développer l’Employabilité dans les Filières d’Ingénierie

تطوير وسائل التوظيف في المجالات الهندسية

Guide: Relation Université/Entreprises- Mode d’Emploi


Tempus TLQAA: (2011-2013)

Towards Lebanese Quality Assurance Agency

نحو هيئة لبنانية لضمان الجودة في التعليم العالي

Based on the established quality assurance model a set of standards and procedures will be drafted for the evaluation of the institutions. In order to conduct those evaluations, experts from Lebanon and from abroad are needed. Criteria for the selection of the experts will be identified and some experts will be appointed. Training materials provided by the European partners will be customized to the Lebanese context and will serve to train the selected experts. The experts will also go to Europe for some tour studies. Finally, a pilot evaluation of few Lebanese institutions will be performed.


Tempus Project: Leadership in Higher Education Management

القيادة في إدارة مؤسسات التعليم العالي

The project aims to help on three levels: Existing Leaders, Potential Leaders and Aspiring Leaders.
Each partner was provided with a center called the Leadership Centre to handle all three different levels. The centers are equipped with video conferencing equipment to facilitate the leaders network. They also have the required hardware and software to provide the adaptive learning module


Tempus project ALTAIR: strengthen the institutional capacity of Arab Universities

دعم القدرات المؤسساتية في الجامعات العربية

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of Arab Universities in support of policy, management and planning at national and regional levels in order to meet accountability needs and successfully address growing demands upon Arab HEIs, despite diminishing resources.


Quality Assurance in higher education in Lebanon (QAHEL) 2008

ضمان الجودة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي

Guide I: Introduction to Quality Management in Higher Education

Guide II: Self  Evaluation in Higher Education Institution

Guide III: Quality Audits and Accreditation


Lebanese Engineering Programs Accreditation Council (LEPAC) 2006

انشاء هيئة لاعتماد البرامج الهندسة في لبنان

LEPAC is to periodically assess engineering programs offered at universities operating in Lebanon and accredit those programs that meet established standards to ensure highest quality of engineering education. LEPAC major responsibilities are:

  1. Define accreditation goals and objectives and processes for assessing them.
  2. Assess engineering programs in the context of the specific program objectives and outcomes.
  3. Provide feedback to institutions for improvement.
  4. Renders accreditation decisions.
  5. Identify to all stakeholders the programs that meet the set of standards and criteria.
  6. Publish accreditation decision to constituencies.
  7. Set, assess, and maintain policies and procedures.
  8. Develop, assess, and maintain programs’ criteria.
  9. Form standing committees to manage details of all aspects of accreditation process.
  10. Maintain the integrity of the accreditation process (team formation, timelines, etc.).
  11. Act as liaison between institutions, government, and public.
  12. Advise the Ministry of Higher Education on licensing new programs.
